Unity Day 2024 has ended

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Caroline Harris

Founding Partner

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Helping people to be and to become.

I have specialised as a coach, consultant and facilitator for over 40 years. With a degree in Physical Education and LTA coaching qualifications, I was one of the first coaches in England to be trained in The Inner Game by Tim Gallwey (1979). I subsequently coached tennis for fifteen years, working with all ages and abilities and leading workshops in both England and abroad. Continuing to work alongside the country’s pioneers of performer-centred coaching Sir John Whitmore, Graham Alexander, Ben Cannon, Myles Downey and David Hemery in the 1980s, I was fortunate to gain invaluable experience of coaching in the business context.

I founded Optimise in 1993 and have continued to apply the generic skills and philosophy of coaching to facilitate learning, development and change in a wide variety of business organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors - from global investment banks, to high-street retail, to charities and the Church of England. From 2012- 2017 I was closely involved with David Hemery’s charity, 21st Century Legacy leading The Be The Best You Can Be programme in over 60 schools.
Remaining with my passion for education, for the last eight years I have worked for a number of Trusts. Working with CEOs, central teams and schools leaders, I coach individuals and facilitate teams to find their best ......for a shared end goal - to catalyse the learning potential that is inherent in every child.
Friday, June 28

12:45pm BST

1:50pm BST

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Unity Day 2024
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